Supportive Psychotherapy

As it is clear from its name, supportive psychotherapy teaches the patients to know and increase their abilities. Hundreds of patients who come to the Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) claim that they can do nothing while they can do anything. In our rehabilitation center, supportive psychotherapy encourages them to deal with their weaknesses and improve social and community functioning self-esteem. Usually, supportive psychotherapy assists the patients in improving their condition of mental health. Also, help them solve their mental health condition that impacts their lives.

Do you know the techniques that Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC)

uses for supportive psychotherapy?

Techniques of Supportive Psychotherapy 

There are specific techniques that psychologists apply while doing supportive therapy. However, these are not the same for every patient. As you know, patients come to our rehabilitation center with different symptoms; the mental health treatment techniques vary from person to person. So, generally, we incorporated some procedures of treatment for your satisfaction.


Alliance building


Esteem building


Skill building


Reducing anxiety


Expanding awareness

Alliance Building

The doctors in Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) treat the patients friendly to understand their problems thoroughly. For this purpose, they show empathy and use informal ways of communication with the patients to examine them clearly and observe symptoms. Alliance building helps the patients to feel more comfortable and share their feeling freely.

Esteem Building

The main goal of supportive psychotherapy is esteem building. The therapists in NPRC Peshawar help the patients who have given up in the race of life to face challenges and encourage them to raise their hidden potentials. Esteem building is a process by which you can normalize your thoughts and feelings.

Skill Building

Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) is the only rehabilitation center that works on mental health treatment and skill-building. The management of our rehabilitation center provides tools to the patients and guidance for learning new skills. Skill-building techniques will help the patients to adopt new thoughts and behaviors and learn how to live successfully.

Reducing Anxiety

Anxiety is not something new. It is part of everyday life. However, psychologists use techniques to soothe the chaos in the mind by applying different therapies. Supportive therapy is very helpful in reforming thoughts and feelings. One of the techniques is to make the patients realize that anxiety is not a big problem to feel easiness.

Expanding Awareness

Supportive psychoanalysis is more related to developing the patients’ level of thinking. So, the therapist makes them aware by classification, confrontation, and interpretation. The psychologists make them aware of their potential, and thus they can start living a better life.

Duration of supportive psychotherapy

The duration of supportive psychotherapy is usually less than other therapies for mental health treatment. However, at the time of joining our rehabilitation center, the duration of therapy is fixed according to the mental condition. So, we can say that the duration of the supportive therapy is not limited, as it also works together with other mental health therapies. It may also take a long duration as the trust-building between the patients and therapists require more time than usual.

Why choose Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) for supportive therapy?

The only rehabilitation center in Peshawar provides services applying advanced mental health therapy techniques. However, some additional facilities that we provide are:

  • Free treatment for Orphans and those who have no one to depend on
  • Neat and clean environment
  • Extraordinary caring staff
  • Experienced and professional psychologists and psychiatrists