Interpersonal Therapy

In rehabilitation centers, interpersonal therapy is preferable for mental health treatment. Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) is a step ahead in providing psychotherapy services to a wide range of people in Peshawar and other adjacent areas. As you know, mood disorders are related to mental problems, and the best way to treat mental health problems is through psychotherapy. Our rehabilitation center in Peshawar, NPRC, treats mental disorders using the methods of interpersonal therapy (IPT). Mainly, our doctors plan to treat four mental disorders. That are:

  • Interpersonal deficits
  • Grief
  • Difficult life transition
  • Interpersonal disputes

Interpersonal deficit

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) plays a vital role in treating mental health problems resulting from unsuccessful relations. These issues make patients in isolation and restrict their life with a limited circle. The doctors help them use IPT techniques to recover from the severity of the disease.


NPRC also helps those patients who have taken massive adverse effects of someone’s death. The grief they face is unbearable, and they start behaving irregularly, pretending to see things that others cannot see, or do not exist. In that condition, the best option for their treatment is interpersonal therapy.

Difficult life transition

Life is not static; it’s changing timely. But, some people take it very seriously and become mentally ill. The fear of retirement and shifting somewhere else severely affect them. Isolation from a life partner’s divorce may also disturb someone. In that conditions, interpersonal therapy is an effective mode of treatment.

Interpersonal disputes

The NPRC treats the patient as having a mental problem caused by interpersonal disputes. That disputes may result from conflict in expectations from family members, friends, and relatives. However, after joining our rehabilitation center in Peshawar, the patients will have no mental health issues.

Moods of IPT

Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) is distinguished from another rehabilitation center providing interpersonal therapy in certain moods. So, you can say there are two kinds of IPT that we adapt in our rehabilitation center.


Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy DIT


Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy MIT

Dynamic interpersonal therapy DIT

DIT is a kind of interpersonal therapy that helps the patients to understand their thoughts and feelings and the feelings of others. The session is comprised of 16 sessions conducted in five months.

Metacognitive interpersonal therapy MIT

Psychologists used metacognitive interpersonal therapy for addressing personality disorders by holding back your emotions. The treatment helps the patients to reduce the symptoms and increase the ability to identify emotions.

Why choose Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) for interpersonal therapy?

There are specific reasons to choose our rehabilitation center for interpersonal therapy. After joining, you will feel the following changes in your personality.

  • Improved relationship
  • Decreased depression

Improved relationship

Interpersonal therapy helps the patients how to cope with their relationship problems. In rehabilitation centers, the doctors address the importance of relationships. I also improve the activeness of the mental ills in society and help them to reduce their depression.

Decreased depression

We discussed above the positivity of interpersonal therapy IPT. Usually, all depression is caused by relationships and connected notions with the connection. In the IPT process, the patients learn to relieve the depression by interacting with others. Do you want to know more about NPRC?

Nazar Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center (NPRC) is a renowned rehabilitation center in Peshawar famous for its exceptional services. it is known for providing:

  • Outstanding facilities of living
  • Free treatment for orphans
  • Neat and clean environment
  • The services of expert and professional doctors
  • Cost-effective treatment
  • Caring staff