Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation

NPRC is ahead of all other rehabilitation centers in eradicating drug abuse from society. The prime goal of Nazar Rehabilitation center is to promote a drug-free society. Every coming day, many individuals, particularly youth, give up in front of drug usage and lose track to lead a happy life.

Drug abuse and substance abuse

One of the notable services that NPRC provides is Drug Abuse and substance abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation. After examining society clearly, we are not wasting time counting how many people have been affected by drug abuse or substance abuse. But, we are anxious and thinking of ways to treat and rehabilitate those suffering. 

Both the terms, drug abuse, and substance abuse, look similar but slightly different. Substance abuse is the use of drugs, legal or illegal, in another manner, it should not be used. For example, you take too much Panadol or another tablet for a peaceful sleep or take cocaine to remove depression. Drug abuse or drug addiction is the continued use of illegal drugs. In drug addiction, you cannot survive without taking particular drugs.

Phases of treatment

The treatment of drug abuse and substance abuse is the priority of our rehabilitation center. There are three phases of treatment of drug addiction and rehabilitation. They are:








Under supervision of expert doctors, the first phase of treatment of drug addicts is detoxification. As an initial stage of drug addiction treatment, the drug abuser is restricted from using any drugs. But, as a result, drug addicts face many problems. The patients may face after withdrawal anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and restlessness. These symptoms vary according to the drug the victim was using. So, the detoxification process is carried out under the supervision of experienced psychiatrists and psychologists.


The expert psychologists in NPRC provide their services for recovering the patients to their normal lives. However, detoxification can stop them from using drugs, but it does not help change the behavior of the patients. In the rehabilitation phase of drug treatment, the doctor in our rehabilitation center uses psychological and medical interventions to rehabilitate the patients into natural behavior.

 In psychological intervention, the psychologists in NPRC arrange motivational sessions to spread awareness about the harsh realities of drug addiction. They provide one-to-one sessions to clients in various duration according to their stage of mental illness.

In medical intervention, the psychiatrists in NPRC use some prescribed medicine that lessens the toxicities in the Patents’ blood.


It is the last phase of treatment. However, after completing the detoxification and rehabilitation course, the NPRC will let the patients go. Still, to stop them completely from using the drug, the doctors will contact them. The center will invite them to certain drug-free society programs to keep them in touch, so they may not fall again into any drug abuse.

Why choose us?

Nazar psychiatric Rehabilitation Center is one of those rehabilitation centers that feel the pain of those whose loved ones are endangered. Furthermore, we provide free services to those who have no hope of treatment and cannot pay a high fee in psychiatric clinics.